
Letter: United States must get spending under control

It has been said that the death of democracy happens as the voters continually elect candidates to public office who promise to provide the most free services until the government is unable to accommodate the debt.

Economists generally acknowledge that the U.S. is on a fiscally unsustainable path that will continue to worsen with the unchecked growth of Social Security and Medicare payments alone. The latest numbers reported have the national debt at $22 trillion.

What I find interesting is that there is no politician or anyone else talking about this situation. It’s like ignoring a crisis may make it disappear.

Newspapers and television have shown us the problems confronted by the Greeks, Brazilians, Argentinians and Venezuelans. Most have tried to solve their problem by inflating their currencies. This is an option of any government with control of the monetary printing presses. It does not solve the problem.

As grim as our situation seems, there are possible solutions. Ignoring the situation is not one of the solutions. This problem is not a partisan problem. The Republicans and the Democrats share the responsibility for this condition equally. We must slow the spending and stop borrowing against the future of our children.

Stuart Young, Sandy

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