
Letter: Trump has already built a wall

President Trump has already built a wall. Around himself.

He has built it by surrounding himself with yes men that no other views can penetrate.

Many people have given up their reputations to challenge Trump’s views in the public arena. He tweets to use derogatory names and public shaming to exact revenge on those who dare to disagree with him. He even uses it to question our most esteemed establishments meant to protect our citizens.

He has questioned the usefulness of the FBI, CIA, our allies, our judges and judicial system, the UN and even the pope. He doesn’t see how this makes him look weak and insecure. If it weren’t so sad for our country, it would be entertaining.

If he has valuable ideas, he should stand up and defend them. Every Ph.D. candidate must stand up and defend their thesis. I would like to hear his side on issues. All I seem to hear is “lies,” “fake news” and “witch hunt” allegations and changing views with no justifications of his policies.

Now he shut down the government once, and threatens to do it again, by blatantly blackmailing Congress to get funding for his wall, blaming Democrats because he can’t get his way, even though level heads in his own party do not want a wall.

Marilyn Marshall, Magna

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