
Letter: Where are the guardrails on our democracy?

Sen. Mike Lee's single-handed blockage of legislation to protect the Mueller investigation is almost farcical, because he said the proposed protection threatens government's “separation of powers.”

His justification was a dissent concocted by Justice Antonin Scalia against an old 7-1 Supreme Court decision saying a law that creates an independent counsel is constitutional. Furthermore, the excuses used by the present Republican leadership, that legislation for protection of Mueller's work is not needed, is equally farcical. As we know, despite assurances otherwise, Trump can change his mind on issues quicker than a flag changes direction in a hurricane.

My impressions of the first two years under Trump are quite different. I've been shocked at what power and influence this authoritarian wannabe apparently has. To single-handedly trash vital regulation, impose tariffs, stifle investigations, violate the Emoluments Clause, separate families, withdraw from treaties and, without repercussion, demonize the press, his opponents and many other world leaders, and outright lie constantly, my question is: Where are the guardrails on this guy? How can this happen in our democracy?

The new Congress should get busy and strengthen the “separation of powers,” or the awful stink of authoritarianism and extreme corruption could overcome us.

John Kennington, Cottonwood Heights

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