
Letter: Popular vote can’t be trusted. Electoral College is the only vote that counts.

Ah, the popular vote. A phrase screeched by left-leaning Democrats everywhere since the end of 2016.

The 2016 election, which obviously brought us our current president and his administration, was one of the closest presidential races in recent history. Hillary Clinton, who was predicted to take the seat in the White House, ended up actually winning the popular vote, but fell short when it came to the Electoral College (the one that matters). How could we, as a democratic nation, blatantly disregard what the majority of American people wished? The answer lies within the Electoral College.

The truth is, the United States is a huge country with an extreme variety of moral values and political beliefs. Moreover, as a democratic republic, it is vital that all voices are heard and represented fairly. If the presidency were to be determined by a popular vote, the large cities would drown out the rural areas of America, therefore disregarding small-town interest.

President Trump may not be the most desirable leader this country has had throughout its history. He is, however, the chosen leader of the American people. One should not look to rip up our electoral system after a loss. Rather they should revamp their own base and make another run in four years.

Jackson A. Brown, South Jordan

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