
Letter: Utah tax group’s opposition to carbon tax reveals self-centered agenda

Referring to the column in the Tribune on taxing polluting carbon energy (Billy Hesterman, Aug. 6), there was no mention of the harm that burning carbon does to our common home. There was no mention of how carbon energy pollution is causing Utah to heat up — bringing with it increased threats to our health and harm to our economy. No mention of increased wildfires, smoke, haze-shrouded landscapes, dust storms, drought, decreased snowpack and harm to Utah's ski industry. No mention of the increasing health care expenses of air pollution-related disease and illness. No mention of the higher motivation of the Climate Solutions Caucus in Congress to promote the greater common good. There was only jabber about how the tax will “hurt” people’s pocketbooks.

The Utah Taxpayers Association stance is an example of what’s wrong with the attitude of many people in our country. We too often put our short-term personal advantage ahead of the greater common good of all. For too many of us, making, getting and keeping money is more important than protecting our health and the well-being of people, the planet and future generations. Unfortunately, self-centeredness seems to be ruling the day at the Utah Taxpayers Association and elsewhere.

James Westwater, Spanish Fork