
Letter: Corroon needs to put up evidence or shut up on corruption claims

I received a fundraising email from Alliance for a Better Utah. In it, former Salt Lake County Mayor and Utah Democratic Party Chairman Peter Corroon alleges he has personally witnessed legislators being offered campaign contributions in exchange for votes on controversial issues.

This allegation is alarming. More alarming is that Corroon is evidently willing to provide cover for such crimes. One must wonder why a former party chairman wouldn’t come forward with the names of these legislators, unless they’re members of his own party.

Alternatively, as happens in these things, perhaps Corroon is embellishing. Regardless, he must answer for his claims.

If these events he claims he witnessed indeed took place, alert the lieutenant governor’s and attorney general’s offices. Name names. If he’s been less than honest, he needs to apologize, as does Alliance for a Better Utah.

Jeremy Roberts, Draper

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