
Letter: Utahns want solutions to climate change — and so do some of our leaders

“Overnight the mercury hit a record low of 46 degrees.” Can you imagine such a headline in July? According to The Salt Lake Tribune, that was the record low for Salt Lake City in 1882 (“The Weather,” July 9). As temperatures have risen, we forget how much cooler summers used to be.

It’s not just higher temperatures that are a concern but the effects they cause, such as more frequent and severe wildfires, reduced spring snowpack and worsened summer ozone air pollution.

Fortunately, citizens are speaking out and politicians are listening and responding. Mia Love is among 43 Republicans who work with 43 Democrats in the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus in the House of Representatives. A solid majority of legislators voted for and Gov. Gary Herbert signed HCR07, a resolution acknowledging rising temperatures with risks and opportunities for Utah.

I applaud Rep. John Curtis for making an extraordinary effort to listen. Last week I was one of seven constituents who hiked Timpanogos with him in his “Timp Trek Town Hall.” We enjoyed 10 hours of great hiking and conversation.

As more Utahns call for a response to our rising temperatures, I look forward to hearing of other elected officials who listen to their constituents and seek climate solutions.

David Folland, Sandy