President Trump wants to help those involved in providing electricity from coal-fired and nuclear power plants. He would require utilities to buy this power, even when it is more expensive. Yet, in southern Utah in places like Sanpete County, farmers are struggling with a horrific drought.
I don’t know if this drought is related to climate change, but science tells us that we can expect ever more dry weather if we continue to burn coal the same as we have in the past.
I want to help coal miners, but if that means future harm to farmers, we’ve chosen the wrong type of assistance.
I don’t know the best way to help coal miners and their communities. I know the best way to limit future droughts are for Congress to pass Carbon Fee and Dividend. It will create an honest accounting of the effects of fossil fuel use.
Ask your representative to support it. And while you’re at it, ask them to find a better way to support our coal communities.
Steve Glaser, Holladay