
Letter: Who will protect us from the government and the police?

While there has been a considerable discussion concerning eradicating the Second Amendment, we need to review some other sections of the Bill of Rights we no longer need: First, the American people should not have freedom of speech or press, as they brings on hate speech, as President Clinton said in 1996, and must be curtailed.

The Fourth Amendment needs to be eradicated as it inhibits law enforcement efforts, and our papers and personal effects should be regularly reviewed by the honest government to prevent terrorism.

We no longer need the Fifth Amendment, for we should not have the right to any trial because our courts are full up and trials basically are a waste of taxpayer money.

And for the Second Amendment, will not the police protect us in our homes against criminals so we do not need any weapons of any type, correct?

There is one problem though. Who will protect us from the government and the police? Are you certain it is not time to take Thomas Jefferson’s advice and look toward a revolution every 20 years or so? If this be treason, thank God.

Wade Marshall Miller, Murray