
Letter: Middle East nations are wagging three dogs with one stone

For the eighth time, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been questioned by Israeli police about having bribed news organizations in exchange for positive reports.

Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, is here in the U.S. to ingratiate himself to us by announcing that his country is becoming a bastion of freedom. He now allows Saudi women to drive cars and go to movies and soccer matches. He just bought billions of dollars worth of arms from the U.S. and the United Kingdom and has been using them to cause famine and disease in Yemen. He is waiting for the signal to try his new toys in Iran.

After Netanyahu, there is no one more rabid than John Bolton and Mike Pompeo about bombing Iran, and the two are now the U.S. national security adviser and secretary of state, respectively.

Forgive my mixed metaphors as I suggest that by bombing Iran and starting another Middle Eastern war, the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia can wag three dogs with one stone. All the elements are being put in proper places.

Behrouz Motiee, Salt Lake City