
Letter: Recovering America’s Wildlife Act can help prevent major species declines

A quick glance at the species that are now being listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act reveals that non-game species (songbirds, frogs, bats, clams, etc.) are being added at an alarming rate.

There is a reason for this. Unlike for harvestable species, wildlife management agencies do not have a consistent source of funding to manage non-game species. That is why the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA), introduced to the U.S. House in December, is so critically important.

RAWA would take pre-existing funds generated from leases on federal lands and send them to the states for management of non-game species. Wildlife management has proven time and again to prevent major species declines. These funds are badly needed to keep more species from becoming endangered.

Currently, the bill is in the hands of the House Natural Resources Committee. Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah is the chairman of this committee. Please join me in writing or calling Rep. Bishop in support of this important bill.

Niall Clancy, Logan