
Letter: Reducing garbage truck traffic one can at a time

Every Monday morning in my neighborhood, we hear the sounds of garbage collection — all day long. I’m not writing to complain about that, I am writing this letter to educate and possibly help alleviate the length of time our garbage trucks run up and down our streets.

A couple years ago, I read in our Avenues newsletter that we could help with gas and time efficiency of these trucks and crew by not placing our cans (any color) out to the curb until they’re at least half full.

It’s pretty simple; the less times a truck needs to stop to pick up a can, the more efficient the process of collection can be and by not placing your cans out every week, we save on brakes, gas, as well as time.

As a two-person household, we may fill a green (garbage) can only once a month but our blue (recycle) can may go out weekly or maybe twice a month. I figure, the less times I push my cans to the curb, I am saving the air and planet one less stop at a time.

Sharon Woodard, Salt Lake City