Note to readers • Each month I write a monthly Letter from the Editor newsletter to subscribers. In 2025, we’re also sharing it here.
As 2024 came to a close, we asked you to help sustain our nonprofit newsroom. All of your support matters - from those who gave $5 after reading a story they appreciated to those First Amendment Society members who give $1,000 or more.
I am also incredibly thankful for the notes of support that many of you include with your gifts. These messages lift our spirits and bolster our confidence as we tackle each day’s news and in-depth investigative reporting.
We do this work and you support it because we all believe in the importance of local journalism.
I’m sharing a sampling of the notes we received. I hope you can see that in supporting the Tribune, you are part of a community of those who think Utah is stronger thanks to nonprofit reporting.
You value independent news
The Tribune reports on stories no one else does.
The Tribune provides balanced perspectives that help citizens make informed decisions.
Good journalism matters now more than ever.
The Tribune is a fabulous source of daily local and national news.
The Tribune provides fair and unbiased news.
The Tribune is an essential local press to hold people with power accountable.
I don’t want political or financial pressures distorting the news.
Local journalism is our best tool to check corruption.
A free press and the right to vote are two of the pillars of this democracy I fully support.
You care about all of Utah
The Tribune is a dependable news source for the whole state and the USA.
The Tribune provides an intelligent search into the unique and universal stories related to everyone living in the state.
Each morning begins with a cup of coffee and the SLTrib online. This has been a years-long routine and I don’t know what I would do without it. I live in Cache Valley and am glad your coverage spans the entire state.
I live in Moab and I really appreciate that we are getting a copy of the Times Independent.
The Trib is my best source for state and SW Utah local news. It is unbiased and a breath of fresh air!
You want news to be free
The Tribune recently announced it hopes to open up access — no subscription needed — in 2026.
Everyone needs access to local journalism without paywalls.
I’m interested in supporting Summer and Chris Gibson’s challenge grant.
I’m sick of people b**ching about paywalls.
So excited for the Trib to be free and accessible to all! Julie
The Tribune is my source of NEWS! Just wish I could contribute more.
Free politics reporting. Sharing it with Utah News Collaborative.
Everyone having access to high-quality, informative media benefits the community as a whole.
GSL, NHL and more…
The following notes are not topically related. They either filled us up or gave us a chuckle.
You need all the help you can get!
Peggy Fletcher has always been so good on religious stories and reporting.
(The Tribune) needs to be even better than it has given how the next 4 years are shaping up.
My daughter lives in SLC, I live in Ohio. The Trib helps me keep in touch with her world.
I can count on you to see me!
Robert Gerke, Pat Bagley and ALL the women journalists! Loved the reporting on Mike Schultz and his $120,000 donation to the PAC by Emily (Anderson) Stern.
I wake up and go to bed reading the digital issue of The Tribune.
The lake matters, and you do a terrific job!
Utah Hockey Club coverage.
This is one of the best papers in the country and I do not want to lose it.
You are doing the right thing.
I appreciate your investigative reporting. A lot.
Speaking of investigative reporting: the 2025 legislative session started about two weeks ago. Already, lawmakers are pushing to make it prohibitively expensive to put a citizens’ initiative on the ballot, to further weaken Utah’s public record law and to weaken Utah’s judiciary branch after being dealt high-profile losses in Utah’s supreme court. Throughout the 45-day session, our reporters are working from early in the morning to late in the night to ensure you know what’s happening at the Capitol. In a first-ever step, we will also make all of this work free for other outlets in the state to publish, bringing this reporting to all Utahns.
Your comments remind us why we do it. From the newsroom and the development team and everyone at The Tribune, thank you again for your unwavering support.