
Brian King: As governor of Utah, I’ll stand for what is right

I am committed to bridging divides and finding common ground, not for special interests or political gain, but for the better of Utahns.

Sixty-two percent of Utahns think our state is going in the wrong direction, according to a Utah Policy Project survey, and we know why. Over the past four years, the gap has only increased between the enormity of our problems and the smallness of our politics. We are so much better than this — and we can do better.

My name is Brian King, and I am running to be your next governor. Born into a legacy of pioneers, my roots in Utah run five generations deep. I grew up hearing stories from my grandparents about their grandparents crossing the plains, working the land and making sacrifices so their children could have a better life. The stories of my ancestors instilled in me a deep connection and sense of duty to this state and its people, and one phrase my grandmother often said still echoes in my mind: “We do hard things, no matter how difficult or uncertain.”

For the past 16 years, I’ve served in the Utah Legislature and, as an attorney, I’ve spent my career representing individuals who have been harmed by insurers’ wrongful denial of claims. I work on a contingency basis, meaning I only get paid if the plaintiff receives the relief they deserve. Both types of work — as a legislator and as an attorney— have been true David versus Goliath battles — just like this governor’s race.

I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing than fighting to make a positive difference for the people of Utah, and that is what I will continue to do as governor.

Right now, there is a monopoly on power in our state. And I believe monopolies are a bad thing. Competition in our politics is just as productive as competition in our economy — and I think we could use some more of it. I am committed to bridging divides and finding common ground, not for special interests or political gain, but for the better of Utahns.

Utahns deserve better than the divisive, extreme leadership currently running the show — plain and simple. During my 16 years in the Utah Legislature, every bill I’ve passed has been with bipartisan support. If elected, every bill I sign will be bipartisan. Our current governor can’t say that. He bends to the will of the Legislature, switching positions to protect his political power rather than serving you. He prioritizes culture war issues, not the real problems affecting Utahns every day.

That’s what I am here to do. I’ve always been proud of the tough votes I’ve cast, and while they weren’t always easy, I’ve never regretted standing up for what’s right.

You’re not alone in feeling like your party has abandoned you. You aren’t alone in feeling that no party speaks for your priorities and values. I’m running to offer an alternative — a government that prioritizes the public good over personal interests; delivering results, not rhetoric; and a culture of courage and character, not contention — for the better.

We might not belong to the same party, but I’m confident we agree a heck of a lot more than we disagree.

If you are frustrated by politics today, if you feel like people in power aren’t listening to you, if you quietly hoped that Donald Trump would not be the nominee, if you had the courage to vote for Nikki Haley, you are not alone. And you have a place with us. You and I have the opportunity to create a future where families are trusted, where everyone has the chance to get ahead and where we do hard things, no matter how difficult or uncertain.

As Utahns, we stand up for what’s right, even when we stand alone. And that’s what I’ll do as your governor. I invite you to join me — for the better.

(Brian King) Brian King is running for Utah governor.

Brian King is running for Utah governor. He represents District 23 in the Utah State House of Representatives. Elected in 2008, he also served as the House Minority Leader from 2015 to 2023. In addition to his role in public service, Brian is a practicing attorney and business owner. He lives in Salt Lake City with his wife, Ann, accompanied by the delightful presence of their dog, Cora. Brian has four daughters, three stepchildren and three grandchildren. To learn more, visit KingForUtah.com.