
Pamela Bloom: Utah needs independent leadership. Now more than ever.

If you’re ready to send an independent voice to Capitol Hill, I need your support.

Utah is at a critical juncture. Our supermajority Legislature has become mired in partisan politics, focusing more on performative culture wars than addressing the real issues that Utahns face every day. Skyrocketing housing costs, inflation and tax hikes on gas and services are making life harder for families across the state.

Instead of offering solutions, our representatives have engaged in power grabs that erode our rights and deepen political division.

That’s why I’m running for State Senate in District 17 — which covers parts of South Jordan, West Jordan and Herriman — not as a Democrat, not as a Republican, but as an independent voice for all Utahns. We need someone willing to rise above party loyalties and push for real solutions to the problems affecting our communities.

Spiraling housing costs

For many families in District 17 and across the state, affordable housing has become an almost unattainable goal. Home prices have surged out of reach for too many, leaving young families unable to stay in the neighborhoods they grew up in. I’ve seen firsthand how this housing crisis strains family budgets and creates instability for Utahns who are just trying to make ends meet.

If elected, I’m committed to addressing this crisis head-on by advocating for policies that promote affordable housing and responsible development. We need to ensure that every Utahn has access to a safe, affordable place to call home. This issue transcends party lines, and I believe that an independent voice in the Legislature can lead the way in making housing more affordable for everyone, not just those at the top.

Supporting public education

Public education is the bedrock of our community and our future. Yet, Utah’s schools have long been underfunded, and our teachers are overworked and underpaid. It’s time we prioritize our children’s education and ensure that every child, regardless of their ZIP code, has access to high-quality schooling.

As your state senator, I will push for increased funding for public schools, higher pay for teachers and policies that support smaller class sizes. We need to invest in our educators and provide them with the resources they need to succeed. By strengthening our public education system, we not only secure a brighter future for our children but also ensure the long-term prosperity of our state.

Protecting your rights

One of the most troubling trends in our Legislature has been its persistent effort to diminish your voice in government. Whether it’s limiting how representatives are chosen or curbing the power of citizen-led ballot initiatives, these actions undermine the rights of everyday Utahns to participate in shaping our state’s future.

By restricting these rights, the Legislature is consolidating power in the hands of politicians and taking it away from the people. This isn’t about party politics — it’s about fundamental fairness and ensuring that Utahns have the ability to shape the future of our state. As your representative, I will fight to restore these rights and stand firmly on the side of transparency, accountability and true representation.

Real solutions for real problems

The people of South Jordan, West Jordan and Herriman deserve better than what they’ve been getting from the current political leadership. The majority in the Legislature has shown time and again that partisan culture wars are more important than tackling the issues that affect our daily lives. Loyalty to party and personalities has proven more important to our representatives than loyalty to the citizens that elected them.

As an independent candidate, I am not beholden to party talking points or special interests. I am running to represent all Utahns and to push for practical, bipartisan solutions to the challenges we face. I believe that by putting people over politics, we can get our state back on track. I’m focused on the future for all Utahns, not just campaign donors or party leadership.

Time for change

I believe that the residents of District 17 are ready for change. I believe they are tired of the political games, the partisan posturing and the lack of real solutions. I believe they want leaders who are willing to take on the real challenges facing our state — housing, education, inflation, taxes — and who will stand up for the rights of everyday Utahns.

I am that leader. As an independent candidate, I am committed to putting the people of Utah first, not a party agenda or special interests. By bringing fresh thinking and real accountability to our state government, we can solve the problems that matter most and restore faith in our political system.

I can’t do it alone. I need your help. If you’re ready to send an independent voice to Capitol Hill, I need your support. Together, we can bring real change to District 17 and ensure that Utah’s government works for everyone — not just a select few.

(Pamela Bloom) Pamela Bloom is running for Utah State Senate District 17.

Pamela Bloom is running for Utah State Senate District 17.