
Jake Sawyer: As a Utah legislator, I’d prioritize housing, education and working families

I’m running to represent House District 9 because I believe our voices should come before politics.

As someone who grew up in Weber County, graduated from Bonneville High and has spent my career helping families navigate the housing market, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges people in our community face every day.

I’m running to represent House District 9 because I believe our voices should come before politics. My top priority is ensuring that the people of Weber County have someone in their corner, fighting for solutions to the most pressing issues we face: housing affordability, education and supporting working families in the face of inflation.

Housing affordability

We are facing a housing crisis in Utah, and it’s hitting our community especially hard. As someone who’s worked in mortgage lending and real estate, I’ve seen how skyrocketing home prices and rent hikes are squeezing families. It’s becoming harder for young couples to buy their first home, for seniors to stay in the homes they’ve lived in for decades and for working families to keep up with rising costs.

We need more than just talk about housing affordability. We need action. As your representative, I will fight for policies that encourage responsible development and remove unnecessary regulations that drive up the cost of building homes. We need to expand access to affordable housing options without sacrificing the rural charm of our area. My focus will be on policies that make it easier for families to find affordable housing right here in Weber County, not pushing them further from the communities they love.

Strengthening our education system

Education is the foundation of any strong community, and it’s one of my top priorities. We must ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to quality education. But that starts with properly funding our schools, supporting our teachers and ensuring that parents have a voice in their children’s education.

I believe in local control, and that means giving our school districts the flexibility to meet the unique needs of our community. We need to make sure our teachers are paid fairly and have the resources they need to do their jobs. I will work to reduce the burden of unnecessary administrative tasks that take time away from the classroom and shift our focus back to what really matters: educating our children.

We also need to invest in vocational and technical education, so our students are prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. Not every student will go to a four-year college, and that’s okay. We need to support pathways that allow students to succeed in trades, technology and other critical fields that are vital to our state’s economy.

Supporting working families

Inflation is eating away at the purchasing power of our hard-earned dollars. Working families are struggling to keep up with rising costs of groceries, gas and childcare. We need leaders who understand these challenges and are willing to do what it takes to relieve some of that burden.

I believe in practical solutions that put more money back in the pockets of working families. That means looking at tax relief for families, especially for those with children, and reducing the cost of living through smart, targeted policies. We need to make sure that families aren’t being crushed by rising costs, and I will support policies that provide relief without adding to our tax burden or jeopardizing essential services.

A commitment to community over politics

The most important role of a state representative is to listen to the people they represent. That’s why, if elected, my door will always be open. I don’t believe in top-down politics where decisions are made behind closed doors or along party lines. I will vote in a way that reflects the voices and values of the people in House District 9, whether that’s on housing, education or any other issue that matters to us.

Politics has become too divisive. But my job isn’t to serve political elites — it’s to serve you. The best ideas come from the people who live, work and raise families right here in Weber County. I will always make time to meet with you, to hear your concerns and to vote in a way that represents our community’s best interests, not special interests.

Moving forward together

There’s no shortage of challenges facing our state and our district. From housing to education to supporting working families, I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Let’s bring common sense back to politics and make sure that every voice in our community is heard. I hope to earn your trust and your vote this November.

Together, we can make House District 9 a place where every family has the opportunity to thrive.

(Jake Sawyer) Jake Sawyer is running to represent House District 9 in the Utah State Legislature.

Jake Sawyer is running to represent House District 9 in the Utah State Legislature. A lifelong resident of Weber County and a Bonneville High School graduate, Jake deeply values the rural charm and community spirit of the district. With a career in real estate, he understands the challenges families face, especially with rising housing costs. Jake, his wife Abbey, and their four dogs — Finn, Sammy, Tino and Shadow — are proud to call Weber County home.

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