
Utah Voices: Are Utahns changing their lifestyles because of climate change?

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We asked Utahns if they’ve made any changes to their lifestyle because of their views on climate change. Here’s a sampling of what you said.

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  • “I drive a hybrid car to use less petroleum. I changed my eating habits to vegan because industrial meat, dairy and egg production uses exponentially more fuel, water and land to produce. I buy many things from the plethora of second-hand stores in the valley. I recycle or reuse as much as possible, don’t buy bottled water and conserve every drop I can. I have a Cool Keeper on my AC and purchase 1/3 of my power from renewable resources. I would do more if I could afford it.” — Sheryl, South Jordan

  • “No. What I do as an individual will not change the climate.” — James, Salt Lake City

  • “Yes! We installed solar panels and a battery-storage system on our home. And we bought an EV. And we use public transportation when we can. Let’s all help address our deadly footprint!” — Robert, Provo

  • “No. As shown by a recent study, the most polluted cities are in Asia. There is nothing we can do as Americans to end climate change whilst developing countries are still polluting at such high levels.” — Lizzy, Ogden

  • “Yes. Solar panels on my roof. Drove a plug-in hybrid for four years, now purchased an EV. Grow a garden so many of my veggies do not have to be shipped to me.” — Jim, South Jordan

  • “Yes, several. Installed residential solar panels in 2017; started composting food waste, increased recycling of trash — including glass — and reduced use of plastics to reduce landfill waste; more conscientious and thrifty about indoor and outdoor water use to conserve water; looking for an EV or Hybrid to replace current ICE vehicles.” — David, Salt Lake City

  • “I believe we all have a responsibility to do our part for the planet. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. For example, I’ve been biking to work for almost 20 years now, and I try to be mindful of my consumption by eating vegetarian and buying local produce whenever possible. My wife and I made the personal decision not to have children, and I’m always looking for ways to reduce my impact, like taking shorter showers and using less water in my yard. I even take the bus a few times a week. However, I’m just one person, and I know that individual actions can only go so far. The real change needs to happen on a bigger scale, with policies that address climate change on a national and global level. That’s why I think it’s important to get involved and advocate for change.” — Ty, Salt Lake City

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