
Utah Voices: Do you feel represented by your elected officials?

Share your perspective with The Salt Lake Tribune.

2024 is a big election year, so we asked to hear from you: Do you feel well-represented by your elected officials? The answers below came from our Top Stories newsletter subscribers and our social media followers.

Let us know what you think here or in the form below, and subscribe to Top Stories to share your insight.

  • “Our representatives seem to pander to the more extreme base of the party. The majority of Utahns are not nearly as extreme. We see this in election years when the most extreme candidate makes it out of the caucus but loses miserably in the general election. This seems to be the same pattern during the legislative session. The more extreme positions are championed despite general public opinion.” — Kelly, Layton

  • “My state senator Nate Blouin and my representative Joel Briscoe both represent my values about equality for everyone and the importance of including marginalized populations, as well as the urgency to promote clean air and energy over fossil fuel consumption and production. Nationally, I feel no representation at all. Their values are polar opposite of mine.” — Kathleen, Salt Lake City

  • “As a liberal in a rural, conservative county, I am rarely represented by my elected officials, both partisan and non … When I write my representatives, they are always following party lines and, most of the time, they don’t even dignify my outreach with a response.” — Kol, Cedar City

  • “As a concerned parent of five young children, I try to be in communication with my elected officials, especially the local ones during legislative sessions, and I almost never hear back from them. They are continually sponsoring, co-sponsoring and voting for anti-education bills, and these are negatively impacting my children’s education and educational opportunities. It is infuriating and disheartening to feel like I’m shouting into the void.” — Jesse, Orem

The Salt Lake Tribune is committed to creating a space where Utahns can share ideas, perspectives and solutions that move our state forward. We rely on your insight to do this. Find out how to share your opinion here, and email us at voices@sltrib.com.