
‘We can’t go on like this:’ Utahns share their vision for health care

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Health insurance is key to accessing and affording health care in our country. Yet many Utahns remain uncovered, and those with health care coverage may still face high premiums and health care costs — particularly when faced with a medical emergency or chronic condition. We asked our Top Stories newsletter subscribers and our social media followers what their vision for health care looks like. The answers below came from those subscribers and followers.

Let us know what you think here or in the form below, subscribe to Top Stories to share your insight and be sure to RSVP to our upcoming “Storytelling through Data” event. Author, economist and MacAuthur Genius Grant winner Amy Finkelstein will discuss her book “We’ve Got You Covered” — a lively and provocative proposal for health insurance reform.

  • “Universal Health Care.” — Daniel, White City

  • “Nationally-subsidized healthcare for all. Let’s follow the admirable example of countries throughout the world.” — Robert, Provo

  • “First, health care must be deemed a fundamental right that every individual in the United States is entitled to. Second, universal healthcare — accompanied by regulations aimed squarely on healthcare monopolies like pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers. However a multi-payer system like Japan’s healthcare system would be a close second. Third, unless the Supreme Court overturns its decision in Citizens United v. FEC, politicians in Washington will continue to be bought, paid for and controlled by the corporations and monopolies that prefer profit over all else.” — Nikki, Eagle Mountain

  • “Improved and expanded Medicare for all. A health care tax would be far less than the monthly private insurance premium most folks or their employers currently pay.” — Lynn, Brigham City

  • “Science-guided, patient-guided, provider-guided, politics-free, empathic, efficient, single-payer.” — Dennis, Millcreek

  • “I have a grand, idealistic vision where terminally ill people don’t have to worry about the cost of an ambulance, where people can have an appendix removed without worrying about everything they own and diabetics can get preventative care before they go blind or start losing toes. Yes, that would involve the ‘evil’ of socialized medicine. But humans need to recognize that we are all a community. We can’t go on like this. Whenever this comes up, I think of coming home to find my terminally ill neighbor had fallen down the front steps and couldn’t get up. She insisted I call a cab instead of an ambulance. That says it all.” — Jess, Salt Lake City

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