
Utah Voices: How have political divides affected your life?

Share your perspective with The Salt Lake Tribune.

New research suggests political divides are getting deeper. These divides can impact relationships with family, colleagues, friends and more. We asked our Top Stories newsletter subscribers how political divides in your community are affecting your life.

The answers below came from those subscribers. Let us know what you think here or in the form below, and subscribe to Top Stories to share your insight.

  • “It seems like things are shifting in a way where there are two camps, not partisan camps like Democrat and Republican, but more like engaged and disengaged. On the engaged side of the line, there are varying degrees of truth and reality that make it hard to have meaningful conversations because our sources of news information are incentivized to inflame or excite whoever is reading it. On the disengaged side, it’s all football and kids and ‘I don’t get involved in politics’ while the world burns around them. All of this is designed, in my opinion, to divide us while the uber-wealthy rob us all.” — Jade, Cottonwood Heights

  • “I am very reluctant to address any issue, local, state or national, because it rarely leads to a meaningful discussion and usually results in contention. The consequences are that I do not engage socially or in religious settings.” — Paul, Park City

  • “My child came out as a part of the LGTBQ+ community, and that has caused discomfort among those in our neighborhood, community and religion who know. It has also caused issues between the younger members of the family and the older generations. None of the cousins care or think it’s wrong, while aunts, uncles and grandparents who are right wing have become even more right wing. The inability to see someone for who they are as a person and not just for their sexuality is incredibly frustrating. I have hope in the younger generations that they are more accepting of everyone and less tolerant of bigotry, sexism and the patriarchy that is predominant in this state.” — Erin, Logan

  • “My family has received death threats. Our neighbors no longer speak to us. We once had block parties and community movie nights and now we are treated like strangers.” — Rebecca, Bountiful

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