
Ron Burke and Mary Ann Dickinson: Four key strategies for tackling Colorado River crisis

All eyes are on Utah and the six other Colorado River Basin (CRB) states that recently missed the federal government’s deadline to adopt a plan that substantially cuts water usage in just one year.

The 23rd consecutive year of drought, fueled by climate change, has accelerated the basin’s water crisis. Quite simply, demand for water within the CRB exceeds what the basin can sustainably provide.

While some have called for desalinization and piping water from the Midwest, the fastest and least expensive ways to restore the CRB’s water balance are by using existing water supplies more efficiently to reduce demand, which can also lower water bills, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions and protect rivers and lakes.

Cities, farmers and businesses have already made significant progress, but additional improvement is within reach. This is especially true in Utah, where, despite recent improvements, homes continue to use significantly more water per person than the national average and more than most Western states. Here are four strategies that can relatively quickly scale-up proven water efficiency tools to save water.

1. Stop watering nonessential turf grass

Outdoor water use accounts for the majority of municipal water use in Utah and the CRB, with up to 50 percent of that wasted. The CRB cannot afford to use its dwindling supply of water to grow ornamental, high water-use grass. Some cities have banned turf in certain locations, and another effective approach is to provide financial incentives for property owners to voluntarily replace traditional turf (aka, “Cash for Grass”) with water-efficient options.

2. State adoption of high-efficiency plumbing codes

Thirteen states require that plumbing products sold in-state meet high efficiency specifications, like those set by the WaterSense program. Such products are widely available and affordable, and the water savings can be significant. Within the CRB, California, Colorado and Nevada have more efficient standards, while Utah still relies on the 26-year-old federal standards for toilets, urinals and shower heads.

3. Fix leaking water distribution systems

U.S. EPA estimated that public water systems lose 16% of their treated water, on average, primarily due to leaking distribution and service pipes. Many local water agencies have water loss programs, but state policies are needed to ensure and support local action. Four of the seven CRB states have some type of water loss requirement, but there is room for improvement. Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming currently have no water loss control policies.

4. Increase state and federal funding for urban and agriculture water efficiency.

Most local governments receive little state or federal funding for water efficiency. The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act increased the amount, but it remains small compared to the need. Congress recently approved $4 billion for western drought relief in the Inflation Reduction Act, but that may focus on temporary, emergency measures.

Congress can create sustained water savings by passing the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act, which includes significant water efficiency and conservation funding. At the state level, it’s encouraging to see Utah, Arizona, California and Colorado approve significant new funding this year. Nevada, New Mexico and Wyoming are lagging.

CRB water availability has decreased substantially because of climate change, but the policies designed to maintain a balance between supply and demand have not kept up. A sustainable long-term plan requires a coordinated suite of local, state and federal strategies to reduce water demand commensurate with what the CRB can realistically supply given the new normal of hotter, drier weather.

Ron Burke

Mary Ann Dickinson

Ron Burke is president and CEO, and Mary Ann Dickinson is past president and CEO, of the Alliance for Water Efficiency, headquartered in Chicago.