The Utah Legislature will gavel themselves into session for their 45-day marathon of annual lawmaking this morning.
Lawmakers will propose and vote on hundreds of bills that will shape Utah’s future. Education, energy, housing, immigration and judicial reform are only a few of the topics the elected officials will address this year.
The state has an easy-to-use website that allows the average citizens to track bills through the lawmaking process — a process, that if Utahns are interested and/or motivated to participate in, is open for public participation.
During the session, each bill will be assigned to a committee, which will host a public hearing to discuss the ins and outs of the proposal. It’s at these hearings where members of the public — like you — can share their opinions on bills.
The Legislature’s webpage is constantly updated to include the most up-to-date schedule for committee hearings and which bills lawmakers will discuss each day.
Not interested in coming to the Capitol? The committee hearings are also livestreamed on the state’s website.
And if you’d like to contact your lawmakers or are not sure who you’re represented by the state Senate and House, you can search this district map by your address to find out the name and contact information for those elected leaders.