
Tiara Auxier will replace Kera Birkeland in House District 4

The Utah GOP chose a House District 4 replacement Saturday after Rep. Kera Birkeland stepped down.

The Utah GOP chose a House District 4 replacement Saturday after Rep. Kera Birkeland stepped down. Tiara Auxier will now represent the district including parts of Summit County.

Birkeland is a Morgan County native who served Summit, Morgan and Rich counties. She announced she was stepping down before the Utah Legislature’s 2025 General Session and after winning reelection, citing family obligations.

Of the eight Republicans hoping to replace her, three were from Summit County. They included Melanie Monestere, the county’s party chair; Ari Ioannides, who narrowly lost the Summit County Council election in November; and Kris Campbell, one of the newest members of the GOP.

Read the full story at KPCW.org.

This article is published through the Utah News Collaborative, a partnership of news organizations in Utah that aim to inform readers across the state.