
Political Cornflakes: Americans are just starting to pay attention again to Iran

Happy Thursday!

Less than a third of registered U.S. voters can correctly identify Iran in an unlabeled map, according to a new poll. And while a plurality supported the drone strike that killed Iran’s top general (47% to 40%), more than two-thirds said the action makes war with Iran more likely. [Morning Consult/Politico]

Topping the news: Sen. Mike Lee blasted the Trump administration after a briefing on the growing tensions between the United States and Iran — and warnings to senators to avoid public debate over the conflict. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13]

-> Gov. Gary Herbert finalized a $20 billion budget plan with recommended increases for education, air quality and affordable housing. [Trib] [DNews] [KUTV]

-> Former Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes announced his bid for governor at a Murray auto shop. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13] [KUTV]

Tweets of the day: @KatCares_Utah:Hey Journalists: It’s ok to ask part time council members how they plan to balance full time jobs and council responsibilities. It is NOT ok to only ask women how they will balance taking care of their children. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.”

-> @thomaswburr: “Just had dinner with Elena Kagan. Well, she was in the same restaurant where I was having dinner. That counts right?”

-> From @gopTodd: “Now is the time I start getting emails telling me to ‘do your job and pass the Gov’s budget.’ Except, that isn’t my job.”

Happy birthday: to KUER’s Elaine Clark.

In other news: A 3rd District judge ruled that the state’s takeover of land in Salt Lake City’s west side did not violate the “Ripper Clause” in the Utah Constitution, leaving the Inland Port Authority with power over nearly 19,000 acres. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13]

-> A poll conducted by Utah Policy shows that three-fourths of Utahns support ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains opposed to its ratification. [UtahPolicy] [Trib]

-> The Utah Division of Technology Services says it thwarted an Iranian cyberattack after noticing an uptick in surveillance traffic coming from Iran. [Trib]

-> Columbia Care, one of Utah County’s three medical marijuana dispensaries, might be opening its doors this year between the months of March and July. [ProvoDailyHerald]

-> Weber State University President Brad Mortensen announced a $10 million scholarship initiative for students near completion who have hit hard times. [StandEx] [ABC4] [KUTV]

-> A woman is suing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for $9.54 million after her husband’s confession to church leaders of sexually abusing children led to his arrest and conviction. [APviaSLTrib] [KUTV]

-> Sen. Mike Lee says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t understand how the impeachment process works in the Senate, calling the proceeding delays “bizarre” and “unprecedented.” [ABC4]

-> Newly inaugurated SLC Mayor Erin Mendenhall announced several staff changes, but promises no “clean sweep” of staff. [DNews]

-> Columnist Robert Gehrke reflects on former Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski’s tenure after the inauguration of Mayor Erin Mendenhall. [Trib]

-> Cartoonist Pat Bagley illustrates how there comes a time when enough enough, even for Sen. Mike Lee [Trib]

Nationally: The possibility of war with Iran simmered after President Donald Trump called for more economic sanctions rather than a military response to Iran’s attack Tuesday on U.S. military bases in Iraq. [APviaSLTrib] [NYTimes] [LATimes]

-> Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of playing games after she withheld articles of impeachment and asked McConnell to publicly release his impeachment proceeding rules. [NYTimes] [WaPost]

-> The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning that this year’s flu season is particularly bad as 46 state health departments have reported extensive flu activity. [NYTimes]

-> The U.S. Army issued a warning about fake text messages circulating around the nation that are telling recipients they are being drafted and must report for deployment to Iran. [NYTimes]

-> House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calling for a House vote Thursday that would require President Trump to temper actions against Iran unless he receives approval from Congress. [NYTimes] [WaPost]

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Dan Harrie and McKhelyn Jones