Happy Friday!
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pledging $500 million to replace coal-fired power plants with wind, solar and other renewables. A spokesman said the money will go to lobby state and local governments because Bloomberg has given up on Washington taking serious action on climate change. [NYT]
Topping the news: The Utah Democratic Party has been roiled by financial problems and conflict over sexual harassment allegations, but four people who want to lead the organization debated their qualifications and ideas on Thursday. [Trib]
Science standards for Utah schools were updated Thursday despite concern from conservative members of the state school board over what students would learn about climate change and evolution. [Trib]
-> Former Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes’ PAC has raised $105,000 even though he has not decided if he is running for governor yet. [Trib]
Tweets of the day: From @RLaRe_: “The fire alarm going off at the UDP chair debate, resulting in a full evacuation of the building, is the best metaphor for our party.”
-> From @jameshamblin: “I’d watch a show set in the near future where the only people left are billionaires in their climate change escape bunkers/fortresses and they have to figure out how to live with no one to do things for them.”
-> From @NateSilver538: “Supporters of some of the non-Biden candidates seem to oscillate a lot between saying the polls don’t mean anything and then getting very excited about polls that show their candidate doing relatively well."
Behind the Headlines: Tribune reporters Taylor Stevens, Courtney Tanner, and columnist Robert Gehrke join KCPW guest host Marcie Young Cancio to talk about the week’s top stories, including the chaos during an environmental protest and forcible removal of demonstrators at the recent meeting of the Utah Inland Port Board.
Every Friday at 9 a.m., stream “Behind the Headlines” at kcpw.org, or tune in to KCPW 88.3 FM or Utah Public Radio for the broadcast. Join the live conversation by calling (801) 355-TALK.
In other news: The University of Utah Police Department apologized Thursday for including slain student Lauren McCluskey’s name on an awards ceremony invitation. [Trib]
-> A planned off-the-record meeting of legislative leaders and Salt Lake Chamber members donating $2,500 apiece to talk about tax reform was cancelled when a reporter started making inquiries. [DNews]
-> A Woods Cross police officer pointed his gun at a 10-year-old African American child and forced him to lie on the ground after mistakenly thinking he was involved in a police chase. [Trib]
-> The Salt Lake City School District has failed to come to a compromise with the teacher’s union over salary raises. [Trib] [DNews]
-> The EPA might remove Salt Lake City from its list of areas failing to meet clean air standards. [Trib]
-> Activists spoke against restrictions in Utah’s Medicaid expansion at a public hearing held by the Utah Department of Health [APviaTrib]
-> All of the candidates for Salt Lake City mayor have expressed at least some support for continuing Mayor Jackie Biskupski’s inland port lawsuit [Fox13]
-> A federal change in the classification of radioactive waste could bring more of it to Utah. [DNews]
-> Utah farmers raised concerns about the state’s proposed cultivation regulations for medical marijuana at a meeting Wednesday. [AP]
-> Utah Charter schools are being hit with high fees because of a Utah senator’s conflict of interest. [KUTV]
-> Columnist Robert Gehrke pans Utah’s plan to win federal waivers for its limited Medicaid expansion. [Trib]
Nationally: The Federal Communications Commission unanimously approved a motion to allow wireless carriers to automatically block robocalls to subscribers. [Politico]
-> Joe Biden switched his position on federal funding for abortions. [AP]
-> The United States and Mexico made progress in discussions about immigration as President Trump’s deadline for a proposed tariff on Mexican goods nears. [WSJ] [NYT]
-> Taxpayer expansions for Trump’s family European trip have been called into question. [WaPo]
-> Automakers have warned that Trump’s deregulations could hurt their profits. [NYT]
-> Six men with ties to the Ferguson protests have died since 2014. [CBS]
-> U.S. Democrats bash on tech, but also woo Silicon Valley for donations. [NYT]
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— Dan Harrie and Sara Tabin