
Political Cornflakes: An insider’s guide to the Mueller report’s coming release

Happy Monday! The Mueller report is coming, in whatever redacted form it may arrive. From the moment it drops, the scramble will be on — to defend the president, to plan new lines of attack, or to put this whole big crazy story into the wider context of American history. So much material released all at once raises the question of how to dig in on something so dense, with so much buildup, where the feeding frenzy will be instant among the cable TV chattering classes and Twitter piranhas. [Politico]

Topping the news: A GOP lead event marketed as “Utah’s first Latino Town Hall” sparked controversy and a heated partisan debate on social media after the event failed to feature any of the state’s latinx lawmakers who are all Democrats. [Trib]

-> Salt Lake County’s GOP organizing convention saw division over a voting law that allows Republican officials to qualify for the ballot via signature collection. Hardliners claimed the measure weakened the party while established GOP officials urged members to move past the divisive issue. [Trib]

Tweets of the day: From @gopTODD: “My takeaway from this weekend’s conventions: the #utgop is still divided, but the tide has turned. Delegates have grown tired of the infighting and are ready to move forward with new leadership/new faces. Yesterday was a good day.”

-> From @missdages: “I’m honored to serve as the @SLCountyDems Chair for the next 2 years! Thank you to all the Caucuses who endorsed me today, the delegates who attended, and the people who supported me along the way!”

Happy Birthday: to state Rep. Scott Chew and our friend Doug Heye.

In other news: Negotiations on a $50 million contract for new first responder radio equipment in Utah will continue despite a legal battle brought on by losing bidder, Motorola. [Trib]

-> The U.S. Postal service says its carriers have been bitten by dogs in Utah 29 times in the last year. [Trib]

-> Utah’s Planned Parenthood may loose federal funding after refusing to comply with new changes to Title X that prohibit recipients of federal aid from providing referrals for abortions. [Trib]

-> Residents of a small and primarily rural slice of Salt Lake City worry about how the Inland Port, situated only about three miles away, will affect their community. [Trib]

-> Salt Lake City councilwoman and air quality activist, Erin Mendenhall, announced Sunday that she will throw her name into a long list of candidates for the city’s mayoral race. [Trib][DNews]

-> Robert Gehrke pens a tribute to Peter Kline, a marathon runner who runs while pushing children confined to wheelchairs. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on the roll back of health regulations. [Trib]

Nationally: President Donald Trump’s frustration over his immigration agenda not moving fast enough was the driving reason for a purge within the Department of Homeland Security. [NYTimes]

-> House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she has requested a security review to assure the safety of Rep. Ilhan Omar and her family after comments the congresswoman made about 9/11 terrorist attacks sparked a controversial tweet from Trump and lead to a slew of threats against Omar’s life. [WaPost][Politico][NYTimes]

-> White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Sunday during an interview with Fox News that she does not believe members of Congress are capable of examining the president’s tax returns. [WaPost]

-> In an unexpected move, Sen. Bernie Sanders denounces an influential liberal think tank and accused it of initiating a smear campaign against progressive democratic candidates. [NYTimes]

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Send us a note to cornflakes@sltrib.com.

-- Thomas Burr and Christina Giardinelli