
Political Cornflakes: Is Trump on track for a landslide 2020 win?

Despite President Donald Trump’s low approval ratings, Twitter wars and metastasizing investigations, he’d likely ride to a second term in a huge landslide if the 2020 election were held today, according to multiple economic models with strong track records of picking presidential winners and losses. That’s due to a strong U.S. economy and the historic advantage held by incumbent presidents — but he also could wind up in trouble if the economy slows markedly between now and next fall, as many analysts predict it will. [POLITICO]

Happy Friday.

Topping the news: Last week, Utah lawmakers approved $2.5 million in taxpayer dollars to bid for a 2020 presidential debate to be held in the state. If selected, officials said the state would likely request more funds during the next legislative session in order to finance the event. [Trib]

-> A temporary stay granted by a federal judge will allow Utah Shooting Sports Council Chairman Clark Aposhian to keep his bump stock, despite a nationwide ban, until a lawsuit he filed challenging the ban’s constitutionality is resolved. [Trib]

-> Religious, civic and business leaders signed the Utah Compact, an agreement that commits to humane treatment of immigrants, keeping families together and focusing deportation on serious criminals. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints voiced support for the compact but opted for the second time to sign it. [Trib] [DNews]

Tweets of the day: From @hcraighall: “Sometime during the legislative session I hit 3,000 followers. What an accomplishment! Just 105 million more followers until I catch up to @justinbieber. #utpol

-> From @MatilynKay: “I think they are not very realistic to think they are going to get (tax reform) done between now and July, #utleg #utpol @SenLyleHillyard"

Behind the Headlines: Tribune reporters Bethany Rodgers and Taylor Stevens and news columnist Robert Gehrke join KCPW’s Roger McDonough talk about the week’s top stories, including the crowded Salt Lake City mayor’s race. Every Friday at 9 a.m., stream “Behind the Headlines” at kcpw.org, or tune in to KCPW 88.3 FM or Utah Public Radio for the broadcast. Join the live conversation by calling (801) 355-TALK.

Friday quiz: Last week, 99 percent of you knew that Utah high school students staged a walkout to call attention to climate change, but only 44 percent knew that Oklahoma City Thunder star Russell Westbrook was on the receiving end of racist taunts at a recent Utah Jazz game. Think you kept up with the news this week? Take our quiz to find out. [Trib]

Trib Talk: On this week’s episode, Tribune Editor Jennifer Napier-Pearce moderates a panel discussion on hate crimes that includes Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill, Salt Lake City Democratic Rep. Sandra Hollins and Tribune reporter Paighten Harkins. [Trib]

Happy Birthday: On Friday to Former Sen. Orrin Hatch, Utah GOP field coordinator extraordinaire David Neilsen and Sen. Jacob Anderegg, and on Sunday to Allison Leavitt, office manager for Rep. Chris Stewart.

In other news: Trump signed a bill Thursday that would rename the North Ogden Veterans Affairs building after the city’s late mayor, Brent Taylor, who was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. The measure was sponsored by Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Rep. Rob Bishop. [Trib]

-> Salley Jewell, the former secretary of the interior who served during President Barack Obama’s administration, spoke at the University of Utah, where she praised the nation’s nature conservancy programs, including Bears Ears. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski hosted the second annual Women’s Leadership Awards ceremony, named after Deedee Corradini, the city’s first female mayor, in honor of Women’s History Month. [DNews]

-> Biskupski presented a $100,000 check to an affordable housing program that would pair people experiencing homelessness as roommates in apartments with lower rent in an effort to stem homelessness. [DNews]

-> Pat Bagley illustrates the winners and losers of this year’s legislative session. [Trib]

-> Tribune columnist Robert Gehrke pens a critique of law enforcement’s efforts during the past legislative session to derail a bill aimed at curbing civil asset forfeiture. [Trib]

Nationally: Money appropriated by the Pentagon for Trump’s plans to build a physical barrier at the nation’s southern border with Mexico could be rerouted away from rebuilding Puerto Rico and efforts to aid European allies in Russian deterrence. [WaPost]

-> In a Twitter post, Trump said the U.S. should recognize Israel’s authority over the disputed Golan Heights — a move that goes against the United Nations, which has historically rejected Israeli occupation of the area. [NYTimes] [WaPost]

-> Federal judges have been ruling against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on a number of legal challenges against her attempts to roll back education policies implemented under the Obama administration. [Politico]

-> The chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee revealed information Thursday that indicated Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump’s daughter and son in law, had used private email accounts and unofficial encrypted messaging services for affairs relating to White House business. [NYTimes]

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Send us a note to cornflakes@sltrib.com.

-- Taylor Stevens and Christina Giardinelli

twitter.com/tstevensmedia; twitter.com/C_Giardinelli