
Political Cornflakes: Russian President Putin warns he has nuclear missiles that can evade U.S. detection

Russian President Putin warns he has nuclear missiles that can evade U.S. detection. Analysis: Lawmakers who got EnergySolutions money are more likely to vote in its favor.

Happy Thursday. Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country has nuclear weapons that can evade any U.S. defense systems. During his state-of-the-nation address last night, the Russian president’s speech was interspersed with video of his nation’s weaponry, including underwater drones, a hypersonic system that “heads for its target like a meteorite” and intercontinental missiles. “Efforts to contain Russia have failed, face it,” Putin said, according to multiple news reports. [Politico]

Topping the news: A resolution to make Utah exempt from a law that allows U.S. presidents to create national monuments has moved to the Senate for a vote. [Trib]

-> As a bill to give EnergySolutions a $1.7 million state fee break awaits final decision from lawmakers, analysis shows that EnergySolutions has given more money to lawmakers who voted for the bill than to those who didn’t. [Trib]

-> The GOP changed a bylaw last weekend to prevent candidates from getting on the ballot by gathering signatures, but one lawmaker is pushing for signature gathering to be the only way to get on the ballot. [Trib] [DNews]

Tweets of the day: From @pourmecoffee: “Tomorrow would definitely be the day to solve Middle East peace if you’re Jared Kushner. Go crazy, have some fun with it.”

-> From @aedwardslevy: “mr owl, how many Hicks does it take to get to the center of a thankless role?”

-> From @ryanbeckwith: “For the record, Hicks lasted 40.4 Scaramuccis.”

-> From @TabathaSouthey: “It is a sobering statistic that 7 out of 10 Americans will eventually serve as Donald Trump’s White House Communications Director.”

In other news: Mitt Romney said Tuesday that gun violence solutions should come from states. [AP via KSL]

-> The Utah House passed a bill to create a government oversight committee, but narrowed the committee’s focus to executive branch agencies. [Trib] [DNews]

-> The House proposed a rule change Tuesday that would require all journalists to receive anti-harassment training before receiving legislative press credentials. [Trib] [DNews] [KSL]

-> The House passed a bill Tuesday that would allow colleges to report sexual assaults to law enforcement — even if victims don’t want them to. [Trib] [DNews] [KSL]

-> The House passed a bill that would fund the state’s homeless shelters with fees charged to cities that lack affordable housing. [Trib] [DNews]

-> The House passed a bill Wednesday that would make it easier to expand toll roads throughout Utah. [Trib] [DNews]

-> The House Government Operations Committee approved a bill Tuesday that would curb lobbying activities from state employees and prohibit state entities from taking formal positions on proposed legislation. [Trib]

-> The House Business and Labor Committee endorsed a bill Wednesday that would let Tesla have car dealerships in Utah. [Trib]

-> The Utah Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would change the UTA’s name and hike car registration fees to fund public transit. [Trib] [DNews]

-> The Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would require jails and prisons to report how many inmates die each year. [Trib]

-> The Senate approved a bill Wednesday that would prevent cities and counties from regulating or charging fees for shopping bags. [Trib] [DNews]

-> The Senate Education Committee endorsed a bill aimed at changing State Charter School Board membership requirements. [Trib]

-> Utah law enforcement and school officials are cracking down on troubling gun violence jokes from Utah students and starting an awareness campaign. [Trib]

-> Affordable housing advocates are pushing for a bill that would create a $100 million bond to financing affordable housing in Utah. [Trib]

-> The BLM has approved uranium mine expansions in southeast Utah, including one that is near the former Bears Ears National Monument. [Trib]

-> James H. Hadfield, two-time mayor of American Fork, died Tuesday at age 76. [Trib] [ABC4]

-> In this week’s Trib Caucus Slack chat, Tribune political reporters and columnists discuss journalists’ access to state lawmakers and gun violence. [Trib]

-> Robert Gehrke says that without a big investment in affordable housing, Salt Lake City’s effort to solve the homeless crisis will be wasted. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley depicts the current state of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into President Donald Trump’s administration. [Trib]

-> Michelle Quist argues that the GOP has to follow state law and allow signature-gathering candidates on the primary ballot, despite its definition of membership. [Trib]

Nationally: White House Communications Director Hope Hicks announced she plans to resign. [WaPost]

-> Trump called for extensive gun safety legislation Wednesday, shocking fellow Republicans. [NYTimes]

-> The Rev. Billy Graham was honored with a memorial at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday before his funeral Friday. He died last week at age 99. [NYTimes]

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— Thomas Burr and Madalyn Gunnell

Twitter.com/thomaswburr and //Twitter.com/madmcgunnell