
News Roundup: Arizona’s Jeff Flake continues to call out Trump even though it may cost him

Arizona’s Jeff Flake continues to call out Trump even though it may cost him. Ben McAdams to challenge Mia Love. Curtis stays quiet on Trump as challengers criticize him.

Happy Thursday. Sen. Jeff Flake is the rare incumbent running as an underdog in his own primary and just might be the most vulnerable Senate Republican on the ballot in 2018. But the first-term Arizona senator, who refused to support Trump last year, hasn’t backed away since, even as the president threatened to get behind a primary challenger against him. [Politico]

Topping the news: Salt Lake County Mayor Ben Adams will challenge Republican Rep. Mia Love for the 4th Congressional District seat. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13] [ABC4] [KUER] [KUER]

-> The Legislative Management Committee voted to sue Attorney General Sean Reyes for the release of a legal opinion regarding the 3rd Congressional District special election. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Provo Mayor John Curtis stayed quiet on President Donald Trump during the 3rd District debate, while his opponents voiced their criticism. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13] [ABC4] [KUER] [KUTV]

Tweets of the day: From @GideonResnick: “I’m surprised that the president who once praised single payer and happily said Obamacare was ‘dead’ is a little inconsistent on policy”

-> From @JoePerticone: “‘That’s Chuck Schumer!’ a tourist in the Senate basement says as he points to Lindsey Graham”

Happy Birthday: To former state Rep. Douglas Aagard.

In other news: Utah’s House Speaker Greg Hughes and homeless expert Iain De Jong agreed to debate after De Jong’s criticism of Operation Rio Grande. [Trib]

-> Utah State Treasurer David Damschen cautioned legislators against a full state takeover of the Utah Transit Authority. [Trib]

-> The Utah U.S. Attorney’s Office filed suit against a group accused of selling fake hunting and fishing licenses on a Ute reservation. [Trib]

-> House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy endorsed Curtis in the race to fill the vacant congressional seat. [Trib]

-> VidAngel has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13] [ABC4] [KUER]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on how Trump comforts the families of slain soldiers. [Trib]

-> Mark Thomas, previously chief deputy to Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox, has been named new Utah Senate chief of staff. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Robert Gehrke shares his own experience with assault, in the wake of the #MeToo movement. [Trib]

-> Michelle Quist compares the treatment of women in Hollywood with the way women are treated in Utah. [Trib]

Nationally: The widow of a fallen soldier accused Trump of being disrespectful during a condolence call. [NYTimes]

-> Trump also promised a grieving father of another fallen soldier a $25,000 check to help him out -- but never sent anything. [WaPost]

-> Mississippi GOP Sen. Thad Cochran confirmed he’s not retiring, despite concern over his health. [Politico]

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— Thomas Burr and Karenna Meredith Twitter.com/thomaswburr and Twitter.com/meredithkarenna