
A timeline of Sgt. Bergdahl's captivity

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who spent five years in captivity in Afghanistan after abandoning his post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, people with knowledge of the case told The Associated Press.

A look at key events from his capture until now.

June 2009 • Bergdahl, who is serving with an Alaska-based infantry regiment, vanishes from a base in Afghanistan's Paktika province near the border of Pakistan.

July 2009 • The Taliban post video online showing Bergdahl saying he is "scared I won't be able to go home." Bergdahl says he was lagging behind a patrol when he was captured.

December 2009 • The Taliban release a video showing Bergdahl apparently healthy and making a lengthy statement criticizing the U.S. military operation.

June 2013 • The Taliban propose a deal in which they would free Bergdahl in exchange for five of their most senior operatives at Guantanamo Bay.

May 2014 • Obama administration officials announce Bergdahl has been handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Guantanamo detainees. Debate quickly rises over whether Bergdahl is a hero or a deserter.

June 2014 • The Army says it is investigating the facts and circumstances around Bergdahl's disappearance.

December 2014 • The Army says it has finished its investigation.

March 2015 • Bergdahl is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

October 2017 • People familiar with the case tell the AP that Bergdahl is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.