
Water Documenters: Read meeting notes from the Utah Lake Authority

The Nov. 17 meeting included an invitation for the Utah Lake Authority to join the Jordan River Commission and discussion about hiring a new executive director.

Meeting attendance

Bigger room, city council style. The meeting officially started at 9:12

Present from the board:

  • Sam Braegger, ULA Program Manager

  • Caroline Lundberg, Mayor of Lindon

  • John Mackey, Division of Water Quality director

  • Terry Peterson, Orem City Council

  • Kamron Dalton, Director of Operations, GO Utah

  • Marty Larson, Genola Mayor

  • Julie Fullmer, Chair, Vineyard Mayor

  • Isaac Paxman, Deputy Mayor Provo (Mayor Kaufusi is missing)

  • Curtis Blair, Utah Chamber of Commerce

  • Hillary Hungerford, Utah Valley University

  • Ben Stireman, Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands

  • Brady Brammer, Utah House of Representatives

  • Mark Johnson, Lehi Mayor (joining online)

Missing: Chris Carn, Saratoga Springs; Mike McKell, Utah Senate; 16 visitors

Staff and committee report

Report from Addy Valdez, conservation biologist from ULA

  • Utah Lake Resource Management Symposium

  • Pollinator habitat program

Report from Jenna Ahern, Outreach Coordinator

  • Revamped the website, it looks a LOT better.

  • Been working with the BYU on-campus interns.

Report from Sam Braegger, Programs Manager

  • Utah Lake Symposium Recap Part 2.

  • Small Grants Program

  • Access enhancements

Curtis moved to accept consent items.

  • Mayor Lundberg seconded.

  • All in favor.

Presentation from Soren Simonsen, Executive Director from Jordan River Commission

  • Utah Lake Commission used to be a part of the Jordan River Commission’s governing body.

  • Important connection between Utah Lake and Jordan River Commission.

  • Invitation to the ULA to be a part of the JRC as a part of the partnership initiative.

  • Jordan River flows through several counties and then enters Farmington bay.

  • Regulatory Jurisdiction

  • History and background of JRC

  • Governing board

  • Jordan River Watershed Council

  • They also have a technical advisory committee

  • Event Advisory Committee

  • They put out a best practices guidebook in 2013

  • The Jordan River commission was designed to support the Jordan River management plan created by the state.

  • Refreshed the Jordan River Blueprint plan in 2022

  • Saw a 400% increase in trail usage between 2018 and 2020.

  • Open space and wildlife habitat were the two primary goals that people wanted to see enhanced around the Jordan River.

  • River developments

  • Added 20 new access points and portages in the past year.

  • Added lots of wayfinding and signage.

  • Lots of volunteer coordination for cleanups, restoration, education, etc.

  • Mitigating impacts of homelessness along the river.

  • Improving beneficial water flows.

  • Invitation to have a strong connection with the Utah Lake Authority

  • Mayor Johnson has a question

Action items

Discussion for appointing a new executive director

This wasn’t discussed in the meeting, but several weeks prior, Eric Ellis, the former Executive Director of the Utah Lake Authority resigned and almost immediately got hired by Vineyard City. This happened soon after several documents were released to the public that revealed Eric’s unauthorized engagement with Lake Restoration Solutions, a company that was trying to build islands on Utah Lake.

  • The recommendation is that Sam Braegger be appointed as Interim Executive Director.

  • Kamron Dalton asked a clarifying question if salary will be increased from program director up the midpoint between ED and PD Answer is yes.

  • Kamron Dalton motioned to accept the appointment, and Mayor Larson seconded.

  • All in favor.

  • Review and approve the executive director hiring packet.

Approved from first-ever Policies and procedures

  • Much of this was pulled from existing policies and procedures.

  • Approved unanimously.

Public comments

  • Teri Harman, Conserve Utah Valley

  • Kaye Nelson, Conserve Utah Valley


  • Simon Sorensen gave a presentation about the Jordan River Commission and invited the Utah Lake Authority to consider joining the Commission in an interlocal agreement.

  • Sam Braegger was appointed as the interim Executive Director of the Utah Lake Authority until a replacement is hired.

  • The executive director job position will be posted on November 18th, open for three weeks, and then the ULA will determine whether to extend the application period until after Christmas. Final interviews will be held by January 17th (the next ULA board meeting).

  • Follow-up Questions

Water Documenters is a collaboration between The Salt Lake Tribune and City Bureau and funded through grants from the Great Salt Lake Collaborative and the Rita Allen Foundation. College student journalists from all over Utah are hired to attend and take notes at public water meetings in Utah. These notes are then published for anyone to read or use. The project is aimed at providing better public access to meetings where major decisions are made about a limited Utah resource. For more meeting notes, click here. For more information, click here.