
Lost lamb at the University of Utah gains fame as the ‘Ewe of U.’ as it evades animal control

The lamb was supposed to be used for research when it escaped.

A lamb is on the lam at the University of Utah.

No, the furry fellow many have spotted on campus is not a new mascot, even though some are affectionately calling the wayward sheep “Ewe of U.”

Rather, the little lamb escaped sometime late Monday or early Tuesday during a delivery of farm animals to a research building. And it has been evading capture ever since.

For those counting sheep, five lambs had been shipped to the James L. Sorenson Molecular Biotechnology Building, which uses them to study infectious diseases. The smallest one broke free of the herd and bounded away toward the student Union building, at 200 S. Central Campus Dr., where he no doubt did not find any suitable hay for lunch.

“It remains on the loose,” said Chris Nelson, the spokesman at the U. “It pushed past people, and they were trying to get it but couldn’t.”

The U. does not offer any classes on shepherding, Nelson confirmed, which might have helped some catch him.

Sightings from students and professors pinpointed the lamb next to the language arts and communication building, where he hid in the bushes for a time, evading the animal control officers looking for him.

The ewe quickly gained fame on social media, with some joking that the lamb was confused and actually trying to find Utah State University, which has programs specializing in farming and agriculture. Others suggested that he should make a break for it and escape to the Utah State Fair taking place in downtown Salt Lake City.

Avery Holton, chair for the U.’s Department of Communication, said on Twitter: “Added to the list of roles I wasn’t aware I would take on as new Department Chair: Shepherd of Actual Sheep.”

A few took pictures, but none apparently asked about what type of degree the lamb might want to work toward. The best guess is a B.A.A.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the Salt Lake County animal control department has received a few tips about where the ewe might have gone. They still believe it is on campus, but they are also looking to see if he hoofed it to the foothills.

Nelson said the U. often has wildlife on campus, including deer and moose, but this marked the first time he can recall a barnyard animal.