
Utah prison inmate resolves homicide case

Courts • He is given an additional 365 days, to run concurrent with original sentence.

A Utah State Prison inmate has resolved charges against him related to the death of a fellow inmate during a fight two years ago.

Samuel Jacob Wise, 26, was charged with third-degree felony counts of homicide by assault and assault by a prisoner in the 2014 death of 25-year-old Christopher Lee Lucas.

On Monday, Wise pleaded guilty to assault by a prisoner, and a lesser class A misdemeanor count of negligent homicide.

Third District Judge Elizabeth Hruby-Mills sentenced Wise to serve 365 days in jail on the homicide count, to run concurrently with the time he is already serving. The judge gave Wise credit for time served on the assault by a prisoner count.

Wise and Lucas had cells next to each other and, on Sept. 13, 2014, the two got into argument about Lucas "making too much noise early in the morning," according to charging document. When the cell doors opened for recreation time, Wise immediately went into Lucas' cell and a fight broke out.

The cells were locked down and one of the officers saw Wise straddling and punching Lucas, charges state. The officer ordered Wise to stop and emptied an entire can of pepper spray at him when he didn't, the charges add.

A second officer arrived and saw Wise "deploying knee strikes" to Lucas' head.

"[The officer] did not see Mr. Lucas fight back and heard Mr. Lucas ask for help," charges state. The second officer also deployed his entire can of pepper spray at Wise, again to no effect.

A sergeant arrived and saw Wise hitting Lucas' head and face, while Lucas tried to cover his head with arms and repeatedly said, "I give up," charges state. The sergeant sprayed Wise in the face twice, but "Wise wiped [the pepper spray] from his face and continued the assault."

A second sergeant also used pepper spray on Wise, who only stopped assaulting Lucas after a sergeant fired 14 pepper balls at his back, charges state.

Lucas was removed from the cell and collapsed. A medical team tried to save his life and an ambulance took him to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Deputy Salt Lake County District Attorney Blake Hills said Tuesday that due to evidentary issues regarding the cause of Lucas' death, the plea agreement was an appropriate resolution.

A medical examiner determined Lucas died of cardiopulmonary arrest "following physical altercation and pepper spray exposure." But a defense expert believes Lucas' cardiac arrest was caused by respiratory failure, Hills said.

Wise is presently serving zero to five years for convictions in 2013 of aggravated assault and assault on a health care provider, stemming from a fight in Milford.

Lucas had been at the prison since June 19, 2009, when he was sentenced to a one-to-15-year term for forcible sexual abuse.

Last year, the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office cleared Utah State Prison staff of any wrongdoing in connection with Lucas' death.

Christopher Lee Lucas (DOC photo)