
Draper joins other cities in considering split from Alpine School District

Residents seem split on whether the new district would benefit the community.

Tuesday night, communities gathered in Draper and Highland to discuss forming a new school district, splitting away from the Alpine School District.

Under the plan, students residing in the Utah County side of Draper would be reorganized into the “Central School District.”

Draper joins Alpine, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Highland and Lehi in exploring the option to split away and create a new district.

The cities have already conducted a feasibility study, which concluded that the “creation of a Central School District is a viable opportunity that could provide less of a future property tax burden in these communities if they separated from the Alpine School District,” Draper City wrote in a statement.

Now, a public comment period is underway so residents can weigh in on the possible split, beginning with meetings on Tuesday night.

Read more at fox13now.com.

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