
Utah lawmakers join concerned parents against Alpine School District closures

Controversy continues as families continue to do what they can to stop Alpine School District from closing elementary schools. This time, it’s with help from the Utah State Legislature.

Controversy continues as families continue to do what they can to stop Alpine School District from closing elementary schools. This time, it’s with help from the Utah State Legislature.

“I feel like the board did not follow the process that they should have,” said Antonia Souza, a parent with kids in the district.

For weeks, parents in the Alpine School District have been trying to stop elementary schools in their district from closing.

“They gave us opportunities for feedback, but our feedback seemed like it came too late, like they had already made their decision,” said Souza.

After hundreds of public comments, the Alpine School District board voted to continue with the possible closure of Sharon and Valley View elementary schools by the end of this school year. The board voted to push the possibility of closing Lindon, Lehi, and Windsor elementary schools to the end of the next school year.

Read more at Fox13Now.com.

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