
Teenage girl falls to her death while hiking in Moab

Victim is identified as Zoe McKinney, 17.

Moab • A 17-year-old girl died Friday after falling off a cliff face while hiking in Moab.

The Moab City Police Department said around 4 p.m., the girl was hiking with friends on the Moab Rim Trail in the Kane Creek Canyon area when she slipped and fell about 30 feet down a “sheer rock face.”

Her friends called 911 while trying to find a way to safely get down to where the victim landed, but they were unable to do so. A search and rescue team used climbing gear to rappel down to the location, where they found the teenage girl deceased from her injuries.

The rescuers were able to recover her body after a two-hour process.

The Grand County School District announced that the victim was Zoe McKinney.

“The school community is grieving with Zoe’s family and will provide love and support in any way we can, including having therapists available at school on Monday,” a statement from the district read. “Zoe was a remarkable student and we will honor her memory throughout the remainder of this senior year.”

The school district said anyone in the community who needs someone to talk to about the traumatic event over the weekend can call the Four Corners Community Behavioral Health crisis line at 435-260-2919.

“Moab Police Department wants to extend our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends,” Chief Jared Garcia wrote in a statement. “We recognize the devastating impact the loss of a beloved young woman and friend has in this small community, but know that wonderful people of Moab will band together to support and comfort her family and friends at this time.”

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