
More Park City school construction projects on hold until state issues go-ahead

The Park City School District is under another work stoppage this week; work at the high school and McPolin elementary is now on hold until the district gets its paperwork in order.

School construction within Park City limits is governed by both the city and the state. The Utah State Board of Education, or USBE, issues what are called project numbers before school districts can begin construction work.

Demolition started at Park City High School at the beginning of July – without a project number. The state found out about that this week, and called the district. In response, Park City schools superintendent Jill Gildea said the district would stop work until it provides the state what it needs to issue a project number.

The school district sent some required forms to the state last week. It still needs to provide building and energy code reviews, a state fire marshal review, a Summit County Health Department review, a storm water permit and proof of coordination with Park City.

To read more, visit KPCW.org.

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