
What would make for a more inclusive Utah state flag? These students have some ideas.

“Our Utah flag, it represents maybe a couple of things, but doesn’t represent everyone,” one student said.

Inside West Point Jr. High in Davis County, several students settle into their second-period class.

As they drop their backpacks at the back of the room their Latinos in Action teacher, Christofer Bradshaw, and Renee Leta from Utah’s More Than A Flag project, welcome them in.

The goal of the project is to redesign the state flag to incorporate a more inclusive picture of Utah’s population. The flag has seen some small changes over the years but this will be a complete makeover.

In 2021, a Y2 Analytics survey found that while some people said the current flag represents the state well — overall, “most Utahns surveyed either don’t believe or are unsure that the flag represents them personally.”

To read more, visit KUER.org.

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This article is published through the Utah News Collaborative, a partnership of news organizations in Utah that aim to inform readers across the state.