
Water main break shuts down three schools in Midvale

Copperview Elementary, Midvale Elementary and Midvale Middle send students home early.

Three Canyons District schools shut down Monday morning — and the closures were only somewhat related to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

A water main break in Midvale left Copperview Elementary, Midvale Elementary and Midvale Middle without water, and classes at all three schools were dismissed at 11:15 a.m. Buses arrived early to take students who normally ride them home, and the schools will release elementary school students to parents, guardians or secondary school-aged siblings. Students were given grab-and-go lunches before they were dismissed.

According to Midvale City, a main transmission water line broke at 8062 S. State Street, leaving area homes, businesses and schools without water. The city had no immediate estimate for when the broken line will be repaired.

According to a news release from the Canyons School District, “in any other year” it would have kept schools open using bottled watered and portable toilets. But not knowing when the break will be repaired, “coupled with hygiene concerns related to our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19,” the decision was made to cut the day short at the three schools.

The district will update parents on when the schools will reopen.