
Help The Tribune tell the stories of Utahns who have died from COVID-19

The majority of those who have died from the virus are anonymous to all but their loved ones.

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Most of the Utahns who have died from COVID-19 have done so in anonymity. Health departments do not release their names because of patient privacy laws. When families publish obituaries online or in newspapers, only a few mention COVID-19 as a cause of death.

The Salt Lake Tribune knows the identities of only a fraction of the Utahns who have died from the coronavirus. The rest are known only by those close to them. With their help, The Tribune would like to tell their stories.

We are asking families, friends and loved ones to help us identify every Utahn who has died from the coronavirus.

Please email information — name, age, hometown and anything else you’d like to share — and photos to The Tribune at coronavirus@sltrib.com.

Help us turn statistics into stories, to focus not on numbers but on the Utahns we have lost.


Ayuda El Tribune a contar las historias de Utahns quienes han muerto de COVID-19

La mayoria de Utahns que han muerto de COVID-19 han muerto anonimos. Los departamentos de salud no publican los nombres porque hay leyes de privacía para los pacientes. Cuando las familias publican obituarios sobre el internet o en los periódicos, pocos mencionan a COVID-19 como la causa de muerte.

El Salt Lake Tribune solo conoce pocas de las identidades de Utahns que han muerto a causa de la coronavirus. La identidad de los demás muertos solo es conocida por por sus familiares. Con la ayuda ustedes, El Tribune quiere contar las historias de estos muertos.

Estamos pidiéndoles a las familias o a los amigos que nos ayuden a identificar a cada Utahn que ha muerto de la coronavirus.

Por favor manden un email con información y fotos a El Tribune a coronavirus@sltrib.com.

Ayúdenos a transformar estadísticas a historias, para enfocarnos no en números sino en los Utahns que hemos perdido.