Just as July is about to start, hot weather comes with it — and it’s a notable arrival. The Salt Lake Valley and Tooele areas are forecast to reach about 90 degrees Tuesday. It will be the first day this year that the temperature is that high. The National Weather Service said it is “quite late” in the year for the valley to see temperatures 90 and higher. The weather service says this will be one of only 18 years since 1875 that it is this late in the year to have a 90 degree day.
The latest day in the year that temperatures reached 90 degrees above is July 2, which happened in 1890, 1891, 1907 and 1920, according to the weather service.
(Courtesy of National Weather Service) Data from the National Weather Service shows which days since 1875 had temperatures of 90 degrees or higher.
Those 90 degree temperatures are forecast to linger until Friday, when a 2 to 3 degree reprieve is expected to come.
Ogden and places north, as well as the south end of the Salt Lake Valley, won’t get quite as hot Tuesday. Temperatures are forecast to be only in the upper 80s Tuesday and throughout the week. Logan is expected to stay steady in the mid-80s.
In southern Utah, high temperatures have already arrived. St. George. Tuesday’s forecast is 100 degrees. Moab won’t get quite that hot; it is expected see 97 degrees.