
'Trib Talk’: Here’s what led to Torrey Green’s rape convictions and how the case could change Utah’s criminal justice system

On Friday, former Utah State University football player Torrey Green was convicted on eight counts of rape, sexual assault and sexual battery. Six women testified, painting similar pictures of Green, a star USU linebacker at the time, using the pretense of watching a movie on a first date to force himself on them without their consent.

While Green was a student, several women reported their allegations to campus and law enforcement authorities. No disciplinary actions were taken, and no charges were filed. That changed after reporting by The Salt Lake Tribune in 2016 illustrated the similarities between the women’s stories, and the procedural failures that allowed a serial perpetrator to slip through the cracks.

On this week’s episode of “Trib Talk” Tribune reporter Jessica Miller and Houston Chronicle reporter Alex Stuckey — formerly of The Tribune — join Benjamin Wood to discuss the Torrey Green case, including the initial reporting that broke the story, it’s impact on the state’s approach to campus sexual assault and the courtroom testimony as Green’s victims and Green, himself, took the stand.

“Trib Talk” is produced by Sara Weber with additional editing by Dan Harrie. Comments and feedback can be sent to tribtalk@sltrib.com, or to @bjaminwood or @tribtalk on Twitter.

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