
Fire restrictions starting at Utah’s national parks and monuments

Moab • Heightened wildfire conditions have prompted the National Park Service to impose fire restrictions at Arches and Canyonlands national parks and two national monuments in southeastern Utah.

The restrictions imposed Friday also apply to Natural Bridges and Hovenweep national monuments.

Officials say fires will be permitted only in designated fire grates in developed campgrounds and picnic areas.

Open fires are prohibited in backcountry campsites but petroleum-fueled stoves and grills will still be permitted in designated backcountry campsites, as well as in developed campgrounds and picnic areas.

Officials say petroleum-fueled stoves are recommended in cooking for campers in the river corridors where there are no designated campsites. Also, visitors camping in river corridors may also use a charcoal fire if the fire is completely contained in a metal fire pan.