
Letter: Biden’s convention speech showed both his good qualities and blind spots

Joe Biden’s convention speech showed him to be a decent, patriotic family man. It also exposed three incredible blind spots.

Biden once again said America is getting better rather than going downhill. He said, “Our best days are not behind us, they are before us.” This is transparently untrue. This kind of flattery of the electorate shows that Democrats are not above manipulating reality like MAGA Republicans do.

The president also said, “There is only one sacred obligation in America, taking care of veterans.” This betrays an ignorance of other sacred principles of democracy, including educating youth in history, law and science; prioritizing public health measures to protect and honor the elderly, whose wisdom must be available to rising generations; and upholding our sacred oaths, agreements, vows and contracts. Never heard of such principles? Better read some history before it is too late.

Finally, there is America’s puppet war against religious freedom in the Middle East, leading to the disproportionate slaughter of Muslims in Gaza. Biden’s decent heart takes a fatal nosedive here.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross

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