China started reeducating the Uighurs more than 50 years ago by separating them from other Chinese poor and forcing them to work harder than other Chinese laborers — but for less pay and inferior education. The U.S. copied them soon after, using the same techniques on our poor — a policy that has survived to this day with Trump and other rich Americans.
The result is that our rich have grown accustomed to under-developing the talents of our poor — and replacing them with college graduates from Europe. My wife and I are both English examples. I was a Fulbright Scholar and later a vice president at one of the world’s top three consulting firms. My wife was a school teacher who in the U.S. specialized in teaching American volunteers how to teach English to talented immigrants. Today, we have been Americans for 50 years.
I recommend the government increase taxes on the rich who give much of the undeserved money to ignorant politicians — like Trump and his cronies. Further, use the extra money to improve the education of the poor — and bring their thinking up to the level of the leading foreign countries. The recipients will almost certainly respond by working harder and smarter, and electing honest politicians. The result? The entire country — and eventually the world — will benefit. and be a much better place.
Frank Fish, Taylorsville