
Letter: There is no doubt that Trump would try to implement a national ban on abortion once in office

Please pay attention to his actions rather than his words

Although Donald Trump has officially stated he believes abortion laws should be up to the states, he has previously supported a national abortion ban. Is this similar to when all three of his Supreme Court nominees testified in their confirmation hearings that Roe v. Wade was precedent, yet went on to vote to overturn it at their first opportunity?

Or, perhaps it is like the time Trump claimed his famous, “grab ’em by the p----” statement was merely “locker room talk,” and then a jury of his peers found him liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll. A federal judge clarified that the abuse was tantamount to rape. I guess it was more than mere locker room talk.

In his recent statement, Trump claims he wants to defer to “the will of the people.” However, the majority of Americans support legal abortion and disapprove of the overturning of Roe.

There is no doubt that Trump would try to implement a national ban once in office. So please pay attention to his actions rather than his words. The life, liberty, and freedoms of women in Utah and across the country depend on it.

Charlotte Maloney, Millcreek

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