
Letter: Without a shared understanding of facts, we can’t come together

Trump and many of his supporters are right. There has been a conspiracy to steal the election and disenfranchise millions of properly cast votes. Unfortunately, they have misidentified the perpetrators in the police lineup of public opinion because of the Trump colored glasses they have been wearing, which have been distributed by Fox pundits and others, including QAnon.

Trump and his Republican cronies in Congress continue to spew lies about election fraud, and some, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, see a conspiracy everywhere they look. I hesitate to even mention her name because she has garnered far too much publicity for her unhinged beliefs.

The only kryptonite for these false, self-deluded Supermen (and Superwomen) is truth and facts, which the Trump supporters will never get while in the false media bubble of disinformation. Trump was also right about fake news but again his ire has been misdirected. Even his defense team had to call it quits because they could not ethically present Trump’s lies about election fraud in the impeachment hearing.

We cannot come together as a nation until we can agree on a shared set of facts. Biden won the election fair and square, like it or not. It is crucial for all citizens to become educated by seeking credible sources of information. Even Fox has Chris Wallace.

We have to stop listening to “news” that only tells us what we want to hear because it reinforces our beliefs, even though it distorts reality. “The truth will set you free.”

David Dodgion, Draper

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