
Letter: Vaccination process proved to be fast and efficient

On Jan. 28 I received the first shot of the two-shot series of the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19.

I just want to say how impressed I was with the organization and efficiency of the Salt Lake County Health Department in administering the vaccine. My appointment was for noon at the Mountain America Expo Center, where there is plenty of parking. Signs outside the building guided me to the correct entrance where I went in at a couple of minutes before noon. An employee met me at the door, took my temperature, and pointed me towards the next station. After perhaps a ten-minute wait in a socially distanced line I reached a young lady who checked my appointment paper and identification, then another brief wait in line and another ID check and I was sent to the nurse who actually administered the shot. Then I was directed to a gentleman who scheduled me for the second shot and I was done.

No confusion about where to go, no milling around and, best of all, no delay to amount to anything. I walked out the exit door at just a minute or two past 12:30 PM.

Great job, Salt Lake County!

Sam Moore, Salt Lake City

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