
Letter: Staggs cares about diversity and inclusion

Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs

We need to elect Trent Staggs as the next Salt Lake County mayor. I first met Trent when I asked him to start a diversity and inclusion committee in Riverton. He was one of the few elected officials who would listen to me. He loved the idea and got the committee started right away.

Salt Lake County also has a diversity and inclusion committee, but it appears to be more symbolic than empowered to achieve real change. This seems to be the case with many county functions.

I know that with Staggs as county mayor, the diversity and inclusion committee will actually get a greater diversity of people included and involved in the community.

As a Venezualen asylee, I can tell you that this is desperately needed. The current county mayor will only take symbolic actions that appeal to her base. Staggs will bring real reform and really move the ball forward on issues like diversity, air quality and more. He has the experience to do it in a fiscally responsible way.

We don’t have that type of leadership in the mayor’s office right now, but Staggs will be the kind of leader that we need.

I see that there is a disconnect between the county government and the county residents. That disconnect happens when elected officials lose sight of the real reason that they are elected. We the people, left, right or center, are responsible to make the changes needed to push this country, state and county forward for future generations. Let’s start those changes by electing Trent Staggs.

Carlos Moreno, West Jordan

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