
Letter: Appalled at Stewart’s lack of decency

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Congressman Chris Stewart (R-Utah) attends an announcement regarding the future plans to reopen Wingpointe Golf Course on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018. Congress recently passed the Federal Aviation Administration Act which included Congressman Stewart’s language to allow Salt Lake City to reopen the golf course for public enjoyment.

I am appalled by Rep. Chris Stewart’s lack of basic human decency. “Journalists disappear” all the time, he says, as if the kidnapping and brutal torture until dead of a Washington Post journalist is something we should all accept with a ho-hum “these things happen” attitude. There is apparently no depth too low for Stewart to sink to in his efforts to defend the corrupt and fascist policies of the current occupant of the White House.

Kendra Houser, Millcreek

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